Dry Eye Workup and Diagnostic Testing

Oculus Keratograph 5M:

Showing our patients images of your eyes that you have never seen before. Using this machine helps us in early diagnosis and management of dry eyes. We can make a quick and easy decision whether you have any dry eye signs. Providing professional consultation during your examinations and follow-ups. 

We can give you specific advice for easing your dry eye symptoms and successfully document improvements in your tear film condition.

Also, by doing precise corneal topography, this state of the art equipment helps in early detecting and management of keratoconus and evaluation of patients looking for Laser Vision Correction (LASIK or PRK).

Oculus Keratograph

Dry Eye Testing Oculus


Dry Eye Treatment

We use both IPL (Intense Pulse Light) and RF (Radio Frequency) from InMode for in-office dry eye treatments.

IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

IPL treats inflammatory dry eyes. IPL treatment with InMode (Lumecca I) works to control the inflammatory process and to stop the vicious cycle of inflammation and to reduce the need for medications. IPL treats ocular rosacea, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, and Inflammatory dry eye.

The glands enhance the production of Meibomian oil, leading to an improvement in dry eyes.  IPL also kills bacteria and Demodex on the surface of the eyelids.

RF (Radiofrequency)

InMode Forma-I Radiofrequency treatment (RF) penetrates deep into the dermis, effectively providing bulk heating to the Meibomian Glands and stimulating collagen production. This secondary benefit includes a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

RF utilizing bipolar radiofrequency, addresses the symptoms associated with dry eye disease (DED) caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). This treatment is specifically tailored for the peri-orbital area, including the upper and lower eyelids, effectively reducing inflammation in the meibomian glands, and providing relief from eye irritation. This treatment assists in unblocking clogged meibomian glands, ultimately leading to improved tear production and secretion.

InMode EnVision

Meibomian Gland Expression

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) stands out as one of the most common types of dry eye disease. Due to its prevalence in the domain of dry eye conditions, Meibomian gland expression emerges as a simple yet remarkably effective procedure for relieving symptoms and ameliorating signs associated with MGD. We conduct Meibomian Gland Expression (MGE) for all our patients during the same session immediately following IPL and RF treatments.


BlephEx® is another in-office procedure that allows us to treat blepharitis by eliminating biofilm and cleaning your eyelid margins. BlephEx removes excess bacteria, biofilm and bacterial toxins, the main causes of eyelid symptoms. By removing the biofilm and excess bacteria, BlephEx improves the overall health of the eyelids. The BlephEx® treatment only takes a few minutes to perform.
